Still, comparisons to other games are really only superficial. RELATED: Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Switch Review: Switch Six Shooter The worlds are also broken up into smaller chunks, allowing for more concrete progression than The Witness. What I mean is you won't be wandering aimlessly, though you can step away from puzzles if they completely stump you. It can often be compared to Jonathan Blow's The Witness, which came out a few years after, but with more structure. The Talos Principle knows it's a game and while the story is very subversive, Croteam expertly explains everything you'll need to know to solve these puzzles. What makes everything work so well is that the game never has the pretense of being something more. Along the way, you'll interact with a conscious computer mainframe, discuss topics of humanity and morality, and likely smash your head into the wall as you get stumped. Players inhabit the role of a robot in an artificial world following the voice of God and solving puzzles to acquire eternal life. Originally released in 2014, it was acclaimed for its semi-open structure and deeply philosophical plotline. Sadly, some performance issues hold this back from being truly a great fit.įor those out of the loop, The Talos Principle is a collaborative effort between Croteam and writers Tom Jubert and Jonas Kyratzes. It's practically tailor-made for Nintendo's console. Talos is a methodical, laid back puzzle game that can be played in quick bursts and doesn't require pristine performance or precision. An incredibly solid puzzler from developer Croteam (of Serious Sam fame), the announcement of the game coming to Switch last week was almost too perfect. Sometimes games were overlooked because they were simply bad. Not everything is worth seeking out, though. Getting those on-the-go and with some extra features is almost too good of a deal. Loads of games come out every day and gamers sometimes miss really great ones. The Switch may be home to a ton of ports of older games, but that doesn't mean people should be shrugging their shoulders in disappointment.