To further play up the realism (and add insult to injury), they aren't even huge bolts, as they have to fit into a small crossbow that someone as tiny as Laird can wield. You can take, at most, two hits from Laird's crossbow before dying. Aside from the Murkoff Corporation, and that's only shown through connection with the towers. No characters, settings, or plot-lines return from Outlast and its DLC. And Now For Something Completely Different: It's only a sequel in spirit.Outlast: The Murkoff Account helps clear most of this up. Is Lynn's child really the Antichrist? Was the final shot really the apocalypse beginning and/or the Murkoff building exploding? That is, if the baby was real to begin with. Ambiguous Situation: A lot of the final moments of the ending are unclear.Datamining of the models reveals the breasts are fake and made of mud and there's a small hint of a penis under the mud vagina, implying Val is a trans woman. Red Barrels gives us a concrete Shrug of God when asked about it. Ambiguous Gender: Val clearly has the body of a woman, but there's a lot of evidence to suggest otherwise.Speaking of Blake, he's still alive but is stuck in a catatonic state, and the explosion he witnessed wasn't the sun but actually the Murkoff building. note Though why Lynn couldn't see the baby, if her "There's nothing there" line was any indication, is unclear. The only reason Blake was able to see the baby was because he was brainwashed as well, explaining his frequent hallucinations. The ending is also given some better context Lynn's sudden pregnancy was actually a phantom pregnancy caused by the tower relays, meaning that the baby was, in fact, never real.The inhabitants of Temple Gate are all under the influence of brainwashing microwaves emitted by several nearby tower relays, which were set up by the Murkoff Corporation.All There in the Manual: Outlast: The Murkoff Account provides some backstory for the game's events.Or not, thanks to Your Mind Makes It Real and the towers messing with their heads as much as everyone else's. All for Nothing: Lynn dies at the end of the game, rendering everything Blake has been through to save her completely meaningless.However, it gets a Surprisingly Realistic Outcome when the air vent can't hold his weight, and he collapses through it into the room below. Air-Vent Passageway: At one point, Blake crawls through an air vent.
Both Blake and Lynn not only survive a helicopter crash, but they both manage to evade a cult full of religious nutjobs for a good long while.

She manages to get away from the cult twice under her own power, though she needs Blake's help the second time in order to make it much further. Blake must find his wife, find out what the town is hiding, and escape with his life - if he can even manage to escape.